The Non Profit Business Development Center has it's base of operation in the Metropolitan area of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Instructors with combined experience of 40+ years design classes, workshops and seminars to help interested professionals develop a non profit from concept to completion.
Classes are usually taught on a Community College of Southern Nevada Campus or at U.N.L.V..
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(Please leave your name and a phone number that you can be reached at and an instructor will call you.)
Instruction is offered on the following topics:
Non Profit Organizational Basic Development
Mission Statement Goals and Objectives
Grant Writing Skills Development
Government Grant Sources
Grant Sources for Specialized Organizations
Grant Sources in Nevada
Grant Sources for Culturally Diverse Organizations
Budgets for Non Profit Organizations
(Specifically planned with your organization in mind)
Fund Raising for Non Profits
Persuasive Presentations and Public Relations Tools
Public Relations Planning
Special Events Planning
Developing a Volunteer Auxiliary